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Meet Our Alumni

Alumni - Keep in touch with us!

Stay in touch with us to find out what’s happening on campus, with alumni, and in your campus community. Take a minute to tell us your story and share your experiences with upcoming students!


Judd Rogers

Judd Rogers 

A.A.S. Geographic Information Science, 2017

As a multigenerational Wyoming native, 贾德·罗杰斯(Judd Rogers)选择参加CWC攻读地理信息科学(GIS)学位,这使他能够将他对积极生活方式和探索荒野的热情与他对制图和户外教育的兴趣结合起来. He graduated from CWC in 2017. 

At the age of 18, Judd embarked on his career with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS).  His career with NOLS led him to work in Chile at NOLS Patagonia, where fate led him to meet his beloved wife of 26 years. The couple had two children together. In 2010, Judd and his family returned to their current home in Lander, WY. “My heart belongs to the wilderness and I find solace in backpacking, mountain biking, and embarking on explorations of our beautiful planet,” he said.  Judd later brought his family back to Lander, WY and worked as the Director of Alumni and Development at NOLS World Headquarters.

After working for NOLS for 33 years, Judd retired from the organization in 2024. He is now serving as the Executive Director of the Wyoming PBS Foundation. “我现在有幸领导在全球平台上捕捉和分享怀俄明州多元文化遗产和故事的倡议. 从一开始担任登山教练到担任NOLS巴塔哥尼亚和NOLS西南的主任, my experiences shaped my leadership skills and passion for outdoor education. Embracing this new chapter, 我致力于利用我的专业知识来支持怀俄明州公共广播公司的使命,向全州观众展示怀俄明州的精髓,” he stated. 

CWC’s program in GIS has played an impactful role in Judd’s career. During his time at CWC, he was able to do coursework in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming and the Patagonian Andes. He chose CWC because it offered an accessible education, tailored support, and created connections that played a significant role in his career trajectory. “CWC is not just a college; it’s a game-changer for Central Wyoming. As a proud alum, I can attest to the significant impact it has had on my life and career. I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to make the most of their education. In my humble opinion, the value you get for your investment in CWC is unbeatable.” 


Profile photo of Brandi Petersen

Registered Dental Hygienist, Hilltop Dental, T. Shaun Sutherland DDS & Ruma Novotny DDS – Casper, WY

Alum Brandi Petersen chose to attend CWC due to its affordability, friendly atmosphere, and for its leading reputation in healthcare professions. Originally from Riverton, WY, 布兰迪从小就知道,CWC将是她开始成为一名牙科保健师梦想的完美选择. “The classes were small and I was able to get one-on-one help from my professors. I loved my time at CWC,” she said.

Brandi graduated from CWC in 2017 with her Associate of Science in Health Science. She then transferred to Sheridan College to earn her Associate of Science in Dental Hygiene. In 2022, Brandi earned her Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene from the University of Wyoming. 她认为CWC帮助她为后来在教育事业中面临的具有挑战性的高年级课程做好了准备. Brandi is a big advocate for community college. She believes that students who attend community college, especially CWC students, 当他们进入四年制大学或其他项目时,他们是否学会了为自己辩护所需的社交技巧. “CWC taught me that it was OK to ask for help. I had the confidence to carry on conversations with my professors in order to succeed.” She additionally emphasized that CWC was instrumental in helping her stay debt-free. “I didn’t have to take out loans, which was a huge help when I transferred to my other programs.”

Brandi has been a Registered Dental Hygienist since 2019. She is currently working in Casper, WY at Hilltop Dental and at T. Shaun Sutherland DDS & Ruma Novotny DDS. 作为一名牙科保健师,布兰迪最喜欢的部分是帮助人们保持口腔健康. She also loves her patients and enjoys meeting new patients every day. Brandi has a true passion for helping others.

In her free time, Brandi loves spending time with her fiancé and her family. She enjoys working out to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 布兰迪也对旅行充满热情,她总是期待着下一次的海滩度假,在那里她可以放松和享受生活.

Profile photo of Eric Bennett

American Indian Studies Instructor, Central Wyoming College – Riverton, WY

Eric Bennett, AA Social Science, 2017, is CWC’s American Indian Studies Instructor.

2020年毕业于西澳大学,获得社会研究/历史方向的教育学学士学位,2022年获得历史硕士学位, Eric also received the prestigious Willena Stanford Diversity Award. 

Quality Director, Bausch & Lomb Pharmaceutical – Clearwater, FL

Ramesh Sedhain, AS Physical Science, 1994, came to CWC in 1992 as an international student from Nepal. During his time in CWC, he worked at CWC maintenance during the summer and received the Student of the Year award in 1993. After CWC, he attended Michigan Technological University and obtained a BS in Chemical Engineering in 1997. 他在质量和工程方面拥有超过24年的制药/医疗器械制造经验. 他目前正在攻读工商管理博士学位,预计将于2025年毕业.

Scholarship Counselor, University of Alabama

Caleb Hiatt, AA Outdoor Leadership, 2011 and Wilderness First Responder Certificate, 2010, attributes much of his success to the skills he gained while attending CWC. Caleb目前是阿拉巴马大学的奖学金顾问,他分享了以下关于他在CWC的经历. 

Profile photo of Desmond Bikoko

Founder of Madison Holdings, Malawi, Africa

Desmond Bikoko, AA Accounting, 1997, attended CWC as an international student from 1994 to 1997 where Riverton, WY was his first entry point into the US. He became President for the International Student Club and was elected to the Student Senate body. After CWC, he obtained an Executive-MBA as well as MBA in Project Management; proceeded to earn a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Degree specializing in International Business from Northcentral University. Upon graduation, he founded his own company called Madison Holdings in Malawi. He is currently the Group President and CEO of his company.

Profile photo of Kathy Oerter

Accounting Technician III, Central Wyoming College – Riverton, WY

Kathy (Clymore) Oerter, AAS Administrative Assistant, 2021, is the Accounting Technician in Accounts Receivable at CWC. A native-born Wyomingite raised in Cody, 她在高一那年搬到了里弗顿,并于2012年和2020年春天分别从怀俄明州连接学院毕业, she decided to continue her education by attending CWC. 

Profile photo of Kami Jo Danaei

Academic Director, University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources

Kami Jo (Barnes) Danaei, AA General Studies and AAS Business Office Systems, 2006, is the academic director at the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources. Following her time at CWC, Kami earned her bachelor’s degree in communication (2008) from the University of Idaho. 2010年获得传播学硕士学位,2018年获得高等教育管理博士学位.

Photo of Jessie Whitlock

Equine Instructor, Central Wyoming College – Riverton, WY

Jessie Whitlock, BAS Organizational Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship, 2023. 杰西持有的马术教练职位激励并授权她分享她从导师那里学到的知识,并向她的学生和同事学习,成为她能成为的最好的教练. 

Profile photo of Seth Glause

Head Rodeo Coach, University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming 

Seth Glause, AA General Studies, 2008, a native of Rock Springs and graduate of Farson High School, attended CWC on a rodeo scholarship and had a successful college career, 两次获得全国大学生牛仔竞技协会中央落基山区全能冠军.

Photo of Debbie Kister on a horse

Owner of Rockin’ K Riding Stable – Riverton, WY

Debbie Kister, AAS Horse Management, 2004, Teaching Riding Certificate, operates Rockin’ K Stables in Riverton, where she offers riding lessons, adventure rides, and horsemanship camps. 

Dr. Scott Acton is a physics alum

Wavefront Sensing and Controls Scientist – Longmont, Colorado

Dr. 斯科特·阿克顿1979年毕业于里弗顿高中,并在1979-1980学年参加了化学武器大会, majoring in Physics. Scott transferred to the University of Wyoming for a semester, and then to Abilene Christian University, returning at one point to pick up a third semester at CWC because of affordability.

Parenting Coach – Arapahoe County, CO

Kido Clark-Riggs (AA Social Science, 1997) is originally from Botswana in Southern Africa. She first attended college at Molepolole College of Education in Botswana, Africa, and taught Middle School afterwards. Kido moved to the United States in January 1992, and settled in Riverton, Wyoming.

Tiffany Bishop is a criminal justice alum

Project Specialist at the University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming

Tiffany Bishop is a native of Shoshoni, 目前是怀俄明大学能源学院(SER)的项目专家。. After earning an AS in Criminal Justice from CWC, Tiffany transferred to UW to earn her B.A. degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology in 2004. 她在2015年进入华盛顿大学技术转移办公室之前担任了几年的办公室经理.

Kali Howe is a nursing alum

Nurse – Cheyenne, Wyoming

My time at Central Wyoming College was very valuable. I received a wonderful education. 我能够完成我在CWC获得学士学位所需的大部分先决条件,同时拥有小班授课和更容易接触教授的好处.

Albert Mason is a science alum

Student – Laramie, Wyoming

Albert Mason (AS Science, 2000)最近回到怀俄明大学做他的本科研究报告(生物学学士), 2021). When asked about his experience at CWC, his additional education and future plans, 艾伯特说:“我在乐天堂app的时光让我为大学的繁重工作做好了准备.

Admissions Director – Riverton, Wyoming

Rachel Hofer came to Riverton and CWC after graduating from high school in Mountain View, Wyoming, and made the most of her time on campus. Prior to graduating in 2016 with four associates’ degrees (Television, Radio, Film, and Communication Studies), Rachel served as the Student Senate Treasurer and then President, a Student Ambassador, and a Resident Assistant – including one year as the head Resident Assistant.

Carlton Underwood is a science of accounting alum

Administration and Finance Officer for Akiptan, Inc. – Riverton, Wyoming

卡尔顿1997年毕业于乐天堂app,获得会计学学士学位. 他在怀俄明大学继续接受高等教育,并于1999年毕业,获得会计学学士学位.

Joshua Sorenson is a biological science alum

Reclamation Specialist at Jonah Energy LLC – Pinedale, Wyoming

Joshua Sorenson, AS Biological Science – 2000, recently received a prestigious award from the American Society of Reclamation Scientists. Employed by Jonah Energy, LLC, 约书亚被评为2021年度最佳开垦者,是该奖项37年历史上第一位来自石油和天然气行业的获奖者.

Erendira "Abbey" Morales is a film alum

Owner Morales Photo & Film – Cody, Wyoming

埃伦迪拉·“艾比”·莫拉莱斯总是喜欢拿着相机,高中时在一档电视节目中工作时,她对摄影和电影的热情就开始了. 莫拉莱斯的热情最终使她进入了乐天堂app,并最终获得了开办自己企业的技能.

Caitlin Heryford is a engineering alum

Petroleum Engineer for the Bureau of Land Management – North Dakota

凯特琳·赫里福德(Caitlin Heryford)开始在乐天堂app(Central Wyoming College)学习工程课程,因为她想找一份具有挑战性的工作,让自己有所作为. Today, Heryford是土地管理局的一名石油工程师,她很感激学院给了她一个培养多种兴趣的机会.

Mitch Long is a nursing alum

Chief Executive Officer at Northwest OB-GYN – Spokane, Washington

乐天堂app的护理课程让米奇·朗成为了一名注册护士。. After rising to the level of Chief Executive Officer at Northwest OB-GYN in Spokane, Washington, 朗说,他早期的职业经历仍然影响着他的行政实践,他满怀感激地回顾在化学武器委员会的时光.